Abstract Submission
Those who wish to make a presentation are requested to submit a one-page A4 abstract online at the symposium website.
The abstracts will be reviewed by the LPSO/MFS 2022 Steering Committee, and a notification of the result (accepted/rejected, presentation type) will be e-mailed to the presenting author by November 1st, 2022.
Assignment of contributed papers to oral or poster presentations will be made by the symposium committee. Please kindly notice that all the contributed paper will be assigned to poster, where in-depth discussions are anticipated during the three days of symposium.
Instructions for oral and poster presentations will be announced on the website as the conference approaches.
The LPSO/MFS 2022 Steering Committee will distribute "LPSO/MFS 2022 Best Presentation Awards" to the top presentations by authors under 40 years old, according to recommendations by the LPSO/MFS 2022 Science Committee.
An abstract uploading system will be available from the beginning of July, 2022.
Submission Deadline
Abstracts for all oral and poster presentations must be received by October 14th , 2022 October 31st, 2022.